Checking In

This is my first blog in 2020. Needless to say, I have a lot of time on my hands. The pandemic that is sweeping our planet feels like fiction. I keep reminding myself this is real and that we are all in this for the long haul. We have no other choice.

My heart feels heavy for those who are suffering. I look forward to the day we can talk about this in past tense. In the meantime I am trying to make the best of it, just like everyone else. Never before have I understood the words, "we are one" more than I do right now.

I miss my mom so much. She was always wise and courageous. I would give anything to hear her thoughts. It comforts me to wear her favorite old hand knit sweater or eat off her place mat with pictures of birds on it. I used to think it was tacky, now it makes me smile. Things are shifting. I am appreciating the simple things. I am going deep within and making friends again with my essence, my sacred self. I'm connecting with nature. I am seeing my tiny seaside community through eyes of gratitude. I love listening to the birds outside my window sing their song of hope. There is strength in knowing the waves will continue to roll against the shore.

I wonder what the world will look like when things return to a new normal. In the meantime I fill my day with meaningful conversation with friends and family , prayer and meditation, and a whole lot of tasty meals prepared with intention.

I am also spending my days sculpting with clay and other art projects on the go. Artists are never truly bored. Creativity lives in the light . It also rests in the shadow waiting to be discovered. Like the Phoenix rising from the ashes we will get through this.

What does any of this have to do with jewelry? Absolutely nothing. I'm just checking in to say hi and and hope you are finding your inner strength. 

Be well
